News Archives - Techscopy Scoop Into Tech News Tue, 11 Oct 2022 06:29:06 +0000 en-US hourly 1 News Archives - Techscopy 32 32 How AI is Changing the Face of Software Development? Mon, 10 Oct 2022 17:57:13 +0000 The world of software development has changed dramatically in the past few years. The rise of AI and machine learning is a significant factor in this change. From digital marketing to manufacturing, AI impacts all aspects of our daily lives. Software developers are at the forefront of this revolution. They are working with data scientists […]

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The world of software development has changed dramatically in the past few years. The rise of AI and machine learning is a significant factor in this change. From digital marketing to manufacturing, AI impacts all aspects of our daily lives. Software developers are at the forefront of this revolution. They are working with data scientists and machine learning experts to create innovative solutions that will change how we live and work. Here are just a few ways AI can be used to change the face of software development.

Fills gaps in your Dev Team

As AI becomes more advanced and more accessible, it can help fill in the gaps where your Dev Team is lacking. Here are some ways that AI can fill in for human developers:

  • Bugs: AI will be able to find bugs faster than humans and fix them before they’re released into production.
  • Securing the software supply chain: in tandem with an SCA tool, such as the one by JFrog, AI can help find and fix vulnerabilities in both open source and proprietary code.
  • Testing environments: Creating testing environments for every possible scenario is extremely difficult for a human developer, but AI can do this automatically by observing user behavior from real-world data. This will allow you to test your product more effectively with less effort from the Dev Team themselves.
  • Code optimization: In some cases, optimizing code manually may be too difficult or time-consuming for an individual developer—but using an algorithm like genetic programming allows you to automate this process easily and quickly without having to learn complex coding skills or hire expensive experts!

Helps You Collect Data

AI can help you collect data, analyze it and make decisions based on the information. It’s no surprise then that AI is making a huge difference in software development today.

AI helps us understand how users interact with our products, so we can improve them and make them more useful for people. It also ensures that developers are spending time creating new features that will improve user experience rather than debugging bugs or fixing existing issues.

Tells You How Your Code Might Fail

It’s great that AI can help you find bugs, but it can also tell you how your code might fail.

If someone tries to use your software in a way that doesn’t match its intended design, the result could be catastrophic. The same applies in reverse: if you try to use someone else’s software in a way it was never meant to be used, bad things will happen too.

With machine learning (ML), however, you can predict whether or not your application will work as intended and when it might fail—even if the failure mode is new and unexpected—and then take steps to mitigate the risk of failure before releasing the code into production.

Automates Testing

Test automation is the use of software to execute tests. This can include test case generation, test execution, test result analysis, and coverage. The software may depend on data that has been derived from testing (for example, checking if a database is available or whether an API call succeeded).

Using AI to Create Smarter Applications

From Siri and Alexa to Google Translate, the world has become increasingly dependent on intelligent assistants. But what if your application could do more than just respond when spoken to? What if it could understand human language in ways that make the user experience feel more intuitive and less like you’re working with a computer?

AI tools can help developers achieve this goal by using machine learning algorithms to generate predictive models that allow software applications to learn from the information they’ve been fed previously.

With enough data, these models will start making accurate predictions about a user’s behavior without explicitly being programmed for each possible scenario. This type of automation is especially useful in areas like transportation or healthcare, where there are too many potential use cases for one person (or team) to handle alone—or even with a large group working together!


So, what’s the takeaway? AI is a powerful tool that can help you improve your software development process in many ways. AI can help you automate repetitive tasks and fill in gaps where there are not enough resources on your team. It can collect data and predict outcomes so that you know how to create the best possible product for your customers. And finally, AI will analyze code to find bugs before they become problems—saving time and money in the long run!

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How Will Apple’s Privacy Changes Affect Marketers? Mon, 20 Sep 2021 18:10:27 +0000 We often hear about data privacy and third-party tracking. Of course, you should do everything you can to protect your data, but the customs may soon change because of Apple’s update. Are you wondering how iOS 14.5 will affect your marketing plan?   It’s important to understand the upcoming changes to Apple’s privacy policy and its […]

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We often hear about data privacy and third-party tracking. Of course, you should do everything you can to protect your data, but the customs may soon change because of Apple’s update. Are you wondering how iOS 14.5 will affect your marketing plan?  

It’s important to understand the upcoming changes to Apple’s privacy policy and its impact on your marketing efforts. Once you understand the developments, you will be better prepared to alter your strategy. Another option to work through this update is collaborating with a digital marketing agency to adjust your online marketing campaigns.

Apple’s newly updated App Tracking Transparency policy aims to provide Apple users with confidence and peace of mind regarding apps and their involvement in data collection. Instead of a single toggle for all in-app data tracking, users will now see an opt-in message every time they download an app, allowing them complete control over which apps they allow to track their data. 

What’s Changing With Apple’s Privacy Policy?  

Apple has completely altered its privacy policy with the iOS 14.5 update, changing how users control data tracking and privacy through Apple devices. Previously, users had the option of toggling data privacy on or off, and advertisers used the Identifiers for Advertisers (IDFA) system to coordinate data tracking and collection from these users. Users could opt out of IDFA with a blanket yes-or-no toggle. Either they were comfortable allowing apps to track their data on their devices, or they weren’t. If users opted into IDFA data collection, advertisers could harvest user data and collate it with other third-party data collection tools. The new update exchanges this yes-or-no toggle with an individual prompt for each app.  

All apps will prompt the user to agree to data collection upon initial launch with the new change. Companies that want to harvest data through their Apple apps must allow users to opt-in or out of data collection upon launching their app. If the user opts out of this, the app cannot collect their data through IDFA or any third-party data collection tools.  

The only exception to this new rule is that companies who run multiple companies under the same umbrella can use one opt-in/out option for all their apps. For example, Facebook and Instagram are parts of the same company, so a user would have the option of toggling data collection on or off for both using the same prompt. This allows Facebook to use data gathered from Instagram to produce tailored content on Facebook and vice versa.  

Potential Issues With the Change 

The recent change to Apple’s privacy policy has been enacted with supposedly altruistic intentions, mainly to provide Apple users with more choice and control over their data and privacy. However, many vocal opponents to this change cite that some small businesses rely on targeted ads. This group will have trouble reaching their customers under the new policy. It’s worth noting that Facebook has been perhaps the most significant and most vocal opponent of this change, going so far as to pay for full-page newspaper ads railing against Apple’s decision to update its privacy policy in this manner. While Facebook claims this stance is due to its desire to stand up for the rights of small businesses, the reality is likely to be that Facebook stands to lose roughly 5% of its tremendous $84 billion per year ad revenue.  

Apple’s change will also mean that the IDFA is disabled at the system level if the user wishes it, meaning developers cannot access user data at all when users opt-out of data collection. Apple has also instructed app developers to respect users’ choices beyond the advertising identifier. If any developers attempt to “sneak” data collected through other means, they could face severe penalties under Apple’s updated terms and conditions for app developers.  

Apple users should expect that the advertising identifiers will only appear once. After a user opts out of data collection, the app cannot continue asking for permission. Additionally, users have the option to opt out entirely from all apps by default through their Apple device system settings.  

Understanding the Change From the Viewpoint of the Customer  

One of the most important things that marketers must keep in mind regarding Apple’s privacy policy is data privacy and data ethics. Apple users will inherently become more invested in how their data is collected and used, and this means that marketers need to ensure they are using customer data appropriately. Privacy restrictions may seem like additional obstacles for marketers, but the reality is that respecting these changes and adjusting data collection methods accordingly will foster greater trust and confidence between marketers and their target audiences.  

Before this change, app developers and their partnered marketers could rely on a host of third-party data collection options to target their ads and content to Apple users. The new change will undoubtedly bring challenges but also opportunities. Primarily, app developers must now position themselves as first-party data collectors. Instead of gathering your marketing data from a third-party source, you must position yourself as a direct-to-consumer brand, providing your customers with the option of giving their data to you willingly for more personalized experiences with your brand.  

The vast majority of Apple users would prefer to opt-out of data collection entirely, given the option to do so. This has caused many marketers, such as those at Facebook, to decry the change to Apple’s privacy policy, citing the increased difficulty in reaching customers with highly targeted ads. However, while marketers will be unable to rely on previously robust data collection methods, the change does offer marketers the unique opportunity to build trust with their audiences and develop new and creative ways to engage with customers and collect their data willingly.  

How Marketers Need to Adapt  

Apple’s updated privacy policy certainly makes digital advertising through data collection more challenging for modern marketers. Customers now have much more direct control over their data privacy on Apple devices, and more people than ever before are conscious about their data. Most modern consumers are unwilling to do business with companies if they are not confident that they will use their data ethically. 

Marketers must now look very carefully at their current marketing campaigns and data collection tools. They can no longer rely on many data collection avenues that previously helped them target their marketing materials effectively to Apple device users. However, re-creating data collection policies and reconfiguring marketing campaigns can enhance the relationships between marketers and their target customer bases. Providing transparency and value will increase customer trust. Ensuring customers’ data will be leveraged for their benefit rather than simply sold for profit will increase the likelihood of users opting into data collection. Modern consumers value transparency and ethical business, and they’re better informed about data collection and privacy than previous generations.  

Currently, this change will likely impact brands that advertise through social media apps like Facebook and Instagram the most. These companies will have a more challenging time connecting to their target customers with highly targeted ads when they can no longer rely on third-party data collection. While this can certainly present challenges to small and medium-sized businesses that rely on social media app data collection, it also presents an opportunity.  

Segment Your Audiences 

One of the most cost-effective first steps to address Apple’s privacy update is to segment your customer list based on whether they engage with you through Apple or Android devices. Of course, Android devices are entirely unaffected by Apple’s policy change, so legacy data collection methods will still hold value. However, segmenting your customer list this way allows you to target your adjustments more precisely to your customers using Apple devices.  

Rethink Facebook Marketing 

Facebook marketing is a critical revenue generator for many small and medium-sized businesses, but it no longer needs to be the single source of generating connections with your customer base. Currently, the most popular form of Facebook marketing is tracking pixels that allow Facebook marketers to track user behavior inside the Facebook app. However, with Apple’s iOS 14.5 update, it’s now only possible to place up to eight tracking pixel objectives in a single domain, significantly reducing the efficacy of Facebook marketing using pixels.  

It’s worth considering how to leverage your own data tracking via your brand’s website. While in-house data collection and user tracking may not seem very intuitive or cost-effective, for now, it provides you one of the best ways to gather insights on your customers outside the Facebook platform.  

Ramp Up Your First-Party Data Collection  

First-party data collection is likely to become a mainstay of digital marketing following the significant changes to Apple’s privacy policy. While this certainly places additional pressure on modern marketing teams, it is an opportunity to develop a more comprehensive, effective, and transparent data collection system that offers customers confidence and peace of mind.  

Your website has many tracking tools that will allow you to collect valuable user data for re-targeting purposes, so it’s crucial to invest accordingly. This way, you can take full advantage of your own website’s data collection functionality.  

Enhance Organic Reach Through Social Media  

While the recent change to Apple’s privacy policy will certainly impact many companies’ reach across Facebook and other social media platforms, the change ultimately requires nothing more than a shift in perspective. Instead of relying on Facebook or other social media platforms to gather user data for you, you simply need to rethink how you use your social media presence to increase the amount of organic user traffic you generate to your website.  

Invest in higher quality social media content that not only engages your target audience but also encourages them to interact with your brand outside social media. Invest in more compelling content that drives website traffic, and then leverage your own first-party data collection tools to re-target ads and leverage user data more effectively.  

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7 Great Career Options In IT Company Mon, 19 Jul 2021 10:54:49 +0000 Experts of data innovation (IT) support organizations in keeping up with their advanced frameworks and offering help for innovation customers. There have been great career options in IT over the years. IT staff are on request to help others to follow the upgrades in innovation and security measures. You may pick a profession in IT […]

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Experts of data innovation (IT) support organizations in keeping up with their advanced frameworks and offering help for innovation customers. There have been great career options in IT over the years. IT staff are on request to help others to follow the upgrades in innovation and security measures.

You may pick a profession in IT in case you are keen on further developing programming capacities and issue arrangements. We give instances of IT-occupations in this post that assist you with finding the right profession way to meet your inclinations, capacities and destinations.

Occupations in data innovation

A few kinds of IT professions, with their normal compensation, common errands and capabilities, are here to assess whether you are keen on doing this:

1. Support specialist

The national normal compensation of $30 540 every year is normal from this business.

Primary errands: Support specialists are entrusted with checking and settling PC organization and business equipment issues. They can work in various areas to give general help to the representatives of a firm, or they may work with an innovation or software organization as assistance (SaaS). Tim pay to do homework online and he wants to take up this profession.

Necessities: Support specialists by and large acquire a single guy of software engineering or IT. It might likewise be proper to have a declaration or a partner degree alongside applicable experience.

2. Computer programmer

You may expect $58.343 per annum of the national normal pay from this work.

Essential assignments: A software engineer is an individual who utilizes HTML, Javascript and CSS to assemble new PC programming. Computer game programming might be refreshed to work on internet gaming, a way for developers to determine gamers’ interests after the general population has been distributed.

Necessities: Typically a developer finishes a Bachelor in Computer Science and a temporary position to foster his capacities. There is additionally a great deal of support for authentications and a few coding foundations.

3. Quality assurance tester

You may expect a normal national pay of $70,000 every year from this calling.

Principle assignments: Quality confirmation analyzers are professionals or architects that screen programming items to see whether they fulfill industry guidelines and are liberated from issues. This work is famous in gaming frameworks, versatile applications and different advancements that require extra testing and support. Madison is taking sql assignment help and she aspires to take up this profession.

Necessity: A Bachelor’s certificate in programming configuration, designing or software engineering is accessible to numerous quality affirmation testing organizations. Analyzers may chip away at various IT organizations’ products to decide their certification or level of forte. These specialists ought to have incredible planning and relational abilities to help the experiments in documentation.

4. Web Developer

The national normal compensation of $72,040 yearly, which you can expect from this profession.

Primary errands: Web engineers make, explore and arrange a site’s substance. They utilize HTML, CSS and JavaScript coding dialects to deal with pictures, projects, and content that fulfill the requests of a client. Espe works at EduWorldUSA and they provide help to students to pursue this career.

Prerequisites: Many web designers secure a Web Development Associate degree or another IT discipline. Some of you may have a Bachelor of IT or another area of business. Others may expand their capacities in website composition through declaration or self-guided examination. Past experience and a work portfolio are oftentimes important to get business.

5. IT engineer

You can expect a normal national pay of $74,664 each year from this profession.

Principle errands: In request to assess and symptomatic PC issues, an IT specialist works with experts.

They additionally screen preparing measures, introduce programming and, where fitting, lead testing on PC hardware and applications. You may likewise show staff, clients and different clients of a firm on another program or highlight.

Prerequisites: IT experts need to finish an IT Associate degree or an IT or organization Bachelor’s certificate. Specialists give IT firms administrations dependent on the business in which they choose to work and may have to study information base programming to profit with an endeavor.

6. Systems analyst

You may expect a normal national compensation of $78,587 each year with this calling!

Essential undertakings: A framework examiner assesses plan segments and applies its IT abilities to address business challenges. You discover techniques to work on business and IT exercises that framework needs to evolve. They can likewise help preparing professionals execute their proposed adjustments.

Prerequisites: The degree is oftentimes required in a software engineering certificate or in a connected discipline. Preparing in business the executives, the board and money can help these people in improving their IT skill.

7. Network engineer

You may expect a normal national compensation of $87,919 per annum from this profession.

Essential errands: Network engineers work on consistently keeping up with and fostering a PC network for a firm that uses its capacities to make the organization accessible to all staff inside an association and effective.

Prerequisites: These people by and large need a Bachelor’s certification in Computer Science and Information Systems to get a handle on the highlights and possible arrangements of the organization. A few bosses may request the graduate degree in business from the board (MBA) to assess ideal innovative practices for managers working with other inward partners of the firm.

Yet another option:

There is yet another job description that also fits this sector and something that can help you earn more remuneration. It is the job of a user experience designer. You may expect a normal national pay of 89,250 $ a year from this calling.

The principal assignments are a client experience (UX) planner, whose buy, marking, convenience and usefulness includes all components of item advancement. You assemble and audit client contributions to decide the productivity, usefulness and adequacy of an item. These sources of info are utilized for plan, association and convenience. Then, at that point these experts direct the testing and amendment interaction of things till they satisfy the excellent prerequisites of their clients.

Prerequisites: UX-fashioners may concentrate in IT and additional coursework or preparing on plan, business, web improvement and programming in an accomplice or four year college education program. Self-learning in programming, plan and improvement can be given in others. Numerous organizations are offering great career options in IT and are searching for past experience to assist these people with getting their positions with a temporary job or portfolio.

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Why digital outreach is important for companies to market globally Sun, 30 May 2021 18:22:26 +0000 Companies invest a lot of energy and funds to improve their digital outreach and marketing strategies. New software solutions, data analysis, and cheap tools enable them to compete globally via the Internet, mobile devices, and digital media.  Digital outreach is the process of contacting customers to provide quotes to persuade them to purchase products or […]

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Companies invest a lot of energy and funds to improve their digital outreach and marketing strategies. New software solutions, data analysis, and cheap tools enable them to compete globally via the Internet, mobile devices, and digital media. 

Digital outreach is the process of contacting customers to provide quotes to persuade them to purchase products or sign up for services. Any form of marketing is one of the main areas of activity that everyone has. Companies need to get involved because, without effective marketing and advertising, no company can survive.

Outreach is a great way to increase brand awareness and introduce the company to new and existing audiences. After effective implementation, it can maximize your online visibility by generating valuable backlinks from authoritative websites pointing to your website, thereby helping to improve your organic ranking and domain authorization.

Here are some reasons why outreach is important for business:

Excellent ROI

For a company, nothing is more important than ROI. Digital outreach can obtain considerable returns through a small investment. Compared with traditional marketing methods, the cost of email marketing or running social media advertising campaigns is low.

Easy to set up

Outreach services can help companies understand their next steps. With well-performing campaigns, it’s easy to get the most out of it with just one click. If the ad does not deliver as expected, you can adjust it accordingly or stop delivery immediately.

Brand Development

The company can use its digital platform to enhance the company’s brand and reputation. A well-designed website, a blog with useful and high-quality articles, interactive social media channels. Companies can establish their brand in the following ways.

Precision positioning

Digital outreach uses a widely recommended method to place ads on a wide range of platforms to deliver Some people who like what they see, hear or read have a positive attitude. On the other hand, marketing on a digital platform allows activities to target customers based on their preferences or initial actions. 

A transaction email (order confirmation email, receipt, password reset) is sent to the customer only after the business transaction; that is, the customer will only receive the content they request. Social media platforms usually have very smart algorithms that can learn and collect user preferences, so certain advertising campaigns are only shown to users with specific signals. This helps increase the likelihood of sales and further reduce marketing costs.


You said that the world had become a global village. Digitalization makes this possible. Through digital outreach and marketing, advertising campaigns can be seen anywhere in the world. 

With great openness, this provides a rare opportunity for small start-ups to enter the global market. In a short period, the global nature of marketing through digital platforms has brought opportunities.

Segmentation of market

Using digital platforms for outreaching can target your campaigns to specific customers and segment your customers. And reduce costs. The key to staying relevant and retaining customers in this highly competitive business environment is an ongoing commitment to your business. 

Effective marketing enables companies to interact with customers through various digital media channels, thereby maintaining competitiveness and relevance. These platforms enable companies to answer customer questions, eliminate misunderstandings, and even increase sales. 

The purpose of this is to attract customers’ attention as long as possible while building a trustworthy reputation.

The Bottom Line

Developing a personalized international digital outreach strategy for your brand’s digital influence is a great way to get high-quality links and increase your natural visibility. However, it takes a lot of work to complete it effectively. 

A digital outreach strategy involves in-depth research, understanding of the local market, and creating compelling content that will resonate with readers. The digital team has extensive experience in the international market and provides its content for the target area.

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DISH Partners With DraftKings For App Integration Mon, 15 Mar 2021 13:25:00 +0000 DISH Network makes the headlines again as it paves the way for the first of its kind; DraftKings is now coming to the Hopper DVR for DISH customers! But before sports fans get too excited, the app is slated to be available to all internet connected Hopper DVR users, but the betting function will only […]

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DISH Network makes the headlines again as it paves the way for the first of its kind; DraftKings is now coming to the Hopper DVR for DISH customers! But before sports fans get too excited, the app is slated to be available to all internet connected Hopper DVR users, but the betting function will only be limited to DISH customers that live within the 11 states in which sports betting is legal.The agreement between DISH Network and DraftKings includes DISH’s Sling TV, Boost Mobile and future 5G services, but didn’t state how DraftKings would be integrated with those services. We’ll just have to wait for more information as it comes available in the future.

This partnership is highly unusual and is the future of immersive multi screen entertainment. DISH Network has had to jump through quite a few hoops to comply with each individual state’s regulations and to get the required state gaming approvals to offer this integrated DISH Network and DraftKings experience. If sports betting is legal in your state and you can’t initiate bets or fantasy entries, it’s coming soon. DISH is still waiting on approval from some states. In fact, as sports betting transitions from being illegal to legal but regulated in more states, we can expect that additional states will be added in the future.

How Does DraftKings Work?

You can open and use the DraftKings app while you watch any live, on-demand or recorded DISH content, including all sporting events on channels you’ve subscribed to. Participants can to view betting odds, fantasy contents, initiate bets and contest entries directly from their TV within the DraftKings app.

All DISH Network customers will need is a Hopper receiver and an internet connection to be able to access the DraftKings app. To sweeten the deal, DISH customers who also have the DISH Voice Remote can use voice commands like “Launch DraftKings” to get started.

If you’re one of the lucky customers that DraftKings has sports betting available, you can initiate bets and fantasy contest entries through the app. Then you’ll be sent a text message to your mobile device to complete the transaction within the DraftKings app on there. As of right now, you will need your mobile device to complete any transactions. Once you’ve finalized your transactions, you’ll be able to track them on the app right on screen. Unfortunately you won’t be able to start to finish within the DraftKings app on your Hopper. DISH Network customers can initiate bets for NBA, NCAA and the NHL from the app on their Hopper DVRs. There will be more sports leagues and additional features to come in the near future. Stay tuned for those updates.

One Stop Entertainment Hub, The DISH Hopper

The Hopper DVR aims to be a one stop entertainment hub and bringing DraftKings to the Hopper is just one more way that it brings a unified experience. The Hopper has other integrated experiences like Netflix, Amazon Prime Video, YouTube, Pandora, and DISH Network’s very own Futbol 360 app.

Events Coming To DISH On DraftKings To celebrate this new relationship between DISH Network and DraftKings, there will soon be the DISH $1,000,000 Bracket Challenge. Participants will be able to create their own bracket on DISH for a chance to win $1,000,000! More details on this challenge will be coming soon. It’s unknown whether or not there

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How Growing Concerns Over User Privacy Affect the World? Fri, 12 Mar 2021 06:21:27 +0000 With the development of technology, increased use of social media, and easy internet accessibility, the wall between the personal and the public spheres is gradually getting blurred. Suppose you purchase items from an e-commerce site regularly and since your details are already stored, you do not need to enter them every time you buy something. […]

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With the development of technology, increased use of social media, and easy internet accessibility, the wall between the personal and the public spheres is gradually getting blurred. Suppose you purchase items from an e-commerce site regularly and since your details are already stored, you do not need to enter them every time you buy something. Indeed, that saves a lot of time and patience, but did you ever think your personal data might be leaked if the system is ever hacked?

Owing to such privacy issues, the world around technology has evolved significantly to ensure data privacy and several ways in which you can protect your personal information while you are online.

How is your privacy violated?

In pursuit of access to your personal information, major companies will obtain and store this information with the user’s consent, in the form of privacy policies. However, some digital platforms may resort to simply taking a user’s information without their consent, in the three following ways: 

  1. Snooping and spying- gathering information, the user has not consented to
  2. Information mishandling- storing and tracking a user’s online activity and preferences that can be accessed by any third-party digital platform
  3. Location tracking- storing data about a person’s whereabouts that can put anyone to risk in the event of a data breach.  

The user is generally unaware of the data that is being stored by the apps and digital platforms one uses. These data are not end-to-end encrypted and the platforms themselves are problematic as even their security policies pose a tremendous vulnerability to a data breach or a hacking attack and are sometimes visible to third party apps.

Regulations on online privacy

As of now, there are no fixed regulations or policies that combat the issue of privacy violation. There are no regulatory bodies or supervisory bodies to check privacy policies or keep data collection at a minimum, secured non-invasive level. The laws regarding cyber-attacks and privacy breaches are not universal or holistic and lack the framework for carrying out justice. 

With the rising demand for digital safety and data security, efforts to increase user safety has become a primary focal point of the information and technology sector. Not only this the UN has acknowledged data security and user safety to be a human rights issue and is working on a resolution in the General Assembly.  

However, the future of online privacy protection is laden with disputes and conflicts. Researchers and data analysts assume that disagreements and redefinition of the meaning of privacy will continue as long as the digital space and its interactions with human beings keep evolving. The key to making privacy policies foolproof is to constantly assess, reassess and renegotiate these very security and privacy policies on a company level or on each individual level. 

Measures to protect online privacy

There are easy ways that a user can adopt to keep themselves secure from considerable privacy breach nowadays, which is a direct result of such negotiations and awareness as discussed above. This includes using VPN, which hides the user’s IP address thus making it impossible to access the location of the user. VPN also helps mask the user information that comes as an accessory with the user’s IP address. VPN services are constantly being redeveloped and improved to provide better security in terms of hiding user and location information. 

Reading the privacy policies and cookie policies goes a long way in helping users identify the loopholes or how their data may be used. Nowadays updates in privacy policies are mandatorily sent to the users so that they may either accept or reject the way a certain digital platform uses one’s data.

There are also digital tools and aids that help a user secure their data and information, by giving them suggestions, running diagnostics, and helping the user re-analyze the digital security measures that are already in use by the device or the platform. A multi-device security suite provides an in-depth report and analysis as to the level of threat or breach and the types of information that are being stored. A user can easily fix these problems by following the suggestions such a suite provides. 


The rapid technological advancement all around the world has indeed played a dual role in people’s lives. While on one hand, business firms and organizations and various websites store details of individuals for mutual benefits, it has often caused privacy issues.

As a result, there has also been a significant rise in privacy policies where individuals have become increasingly concerned about the data that is stored and used and firms have become more careful about storing and using such data. Thus, an evident evolution of the world over technology and the implementation of various privacy policies have been witnessed over the years. 

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How Can AV Transcribing Help Marketers Wed, 30 Dec 2020 18:34:50 +0000 Content creation holds immense importance for marketers. It serves to draw audience attention, increase brand awareness, and reap many other branding perks. Alongside text-based content, audios and videos are an emerging form of putting the word out. People often find it more engaging to listen or visualize things, which explains why marketers are keen to […]

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Content creation holds immense importance for marketers. It serves to draw audience attention, increase brand awareness, and reap many other branding perks. Alongside text-based content, audios and videos are an emerging form of putting the word out. People often find it more engaging to listen or visualize things, which explains why marketers are keen to incorporate it in their strategies.

However, many marketers are still overlooking one of the essential audio and video content elements: the transcription. AV content may seem to be enough on its own; but, you could be wasting many benefits without transcribing their audio to text. So, if you want to maximize marketing efforts without wasting any resources, transcribing your audio and video content is essential. Here are a few crucial ways AV transcriptions can help you in marketing.


Unlike text-based content, audio and video content is difficult for search engines to crawl. You can quickly implement SEO in text-based content like blog posts, but AV content takes more effort. However, by transcribing AV content, you can use it in captions, notes, and blog posts to maximize your AV assets’ potential. Search engines can then crawl everything said in the audio and video files.

Transcribing AV content can take many hours. However, with specialized software such as a YouTube transcriber, you can avoid this tedious effort and get the transcription in minutes. Moreover, you can also convert the transcription into an eBook and use it as a lead magnet.

With the help of fast and accurate transcriptions, you can efficiently use AV files to build more meaningful content to increase your website’s visibility online. For example, you can place keywords in the transcription, create a blog post, and acquire quality backlinks.


Providing a good user experience is essential for every marketer to retain customers and add more lifetime value. Everything from popularity to revenue gets generated through the people who engage with your content. A transcription for AV content can come in handy to deliver a good user experience to your viewers. Transcriptions can make it easier for people with disabilities to access your content; over 466 million people are disabled from hearing correctly. Sometimes people prefer reading over listening or watching. And you wouldn’t want to miss out on any opportunity to make your content available to them. Alongside a better user experience, a transcription will also make your AV content reach a wider audience due to its increased accessibility.

Moreover, your AV content information can be accessed quickly through its transcript by people who need to refer to it frequently. For example, many students often use transcripts as study guides. You will also help people who are not fluent in the language used in your content by effectively using transcriptions to put subtitles in videos.

A rich user experience that caters to diverse needs will build trust amongst your viewers and increase user engagement on your website. A direct result of this would be a decrease in bounce rates, which is highly beneficial for your marketing campaign.


In the end, the primary purpose of content created by marketers is to gain a higher amount of traffic. This purpose is best achieved by the use of transcripts when it comes to AV content. As mentioned earlier, a transcript can enable you to enhance SEO, which will then lead to higher rankings on SERPs. In such a situation, your content is bound to gain a higher amount of traffic. Moreover, a better user experience and a reach to a broader audience will further double the amount of traffic received by your content.


Undoubtedly, content creation is one of the most important strategies of any marketing campaign. However, to create engaging content, you need to put in a lot of effort and time; otherwise, people won’t pay any attention. It is often quite discouraging for many marketers. However, transcripts of AV transcribing content can be an excellent solution to this problem. You can take ideas from transcripts to create new content such as blogs and infographics.

Moreover, you can take quotes from the transcripts and use them in other content, which also doubles as a good backlink. By repurposing your content through transcripts, you will be able to create content rapidly. Doing so will also help you keep up or even surpass other marketers, as 60% of them are known to publish a minimum of one piece of content per day.


While developing effective strategies and tactics, it’s essential for marketers first to conduct market research to gain a more in-depth insight into the audience’s needs. This task can often take quite a while to complete because of the volume of data. However, you can conduct this research more efficiently by transcribing interviews and similar content. You can use conversations during interviews to create focus groups while also completing the competitive analysis. As a result, you’ll not only attract more traffic through transcriptions but will also conduct stellar market research.


Another popular form of AV content are webinars and other similar live events. However, most of the information in such content cannot be kept by viewers for later use. This content is only live for a short period. Hence, you’re not able to maximize the potential of your content. But by transcribing live events, you can prevent this from happening. As a result, all of your content will be available for people to refer to, while you can also make use of it in the future. With the greater accessibility achieved by transcribing live events, people will appreciate your efforts in providing the information. As a result, your company’s authority increase while building a relationship of trust amongst your viewers.


It’s safe to say that AV content will be the most prominent form of content in the future. So, as a marketer, it would be a smart idea to be prepared for the future by creating AV content the right way. Create podcasts and videos that are meaningful and informative. And then use them to create valuable content in the form of text to increase your online visibility and authority. By putting in little to no effort, you can maximize your AV content’s potential just by transcribing it. So, try not to overlook this essential element, and make sure to incorporate it in your content.

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Apple And HTC Begin Plotting New Foldable Devices For 2021 Mon, 23 Nov 2020 08:29:12 +0000 Folding phones have made a warm and welcome comeback. However, they look and behave nothing like the flip phones of the past. Today’s foldable phones are full of bursting new technologies with advanced features and look stylishly sleek, everything we were missing. Today’s technology sees our smartphones equipped with punch hole front-facing cameras, fingerprint and […]

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Folding phones have made a warm and welcome comeback. However, they look and behave nothing like the flip phones of the past. Today’s foldable phones are full of bursting new technologies with advanced features and look stylishly sleek, everything we were missing.

Today’s technology sees our smartphones equipped with punch hole front-facing cameras, fingerprint and facial recognition software and bezel-free displays, giving the folding phones a new lease of life. Past flip phones were hinged devices, but now, the flip phone has morphed into foldable phones that house bendable screens. Here’s a look at 2020s best folding flip phones.

Samsung Galaxy Z Flip

The clamshell design of Samsung’s Galaxy Z Flip smartphone phone makes the phone feel very natural to use. The smartphone itself is compact, making it ideal for carrying around in pockets and small bags. The phone, when unfolded, sits flat on its hinges, and when snapped close, both segments sit flat on one another without a noticeable gap.

According to Smartphone Checker, Z Flip is powered by Qualcomm’s Snapdragon 855+. The phone offers LTE connectivity and offers 256GB of storage along with 8GB of RAM. The phone also reacts to being partially open at 90 degrees, allowing users to use it as a laptop. The foldable screen is impressive and is made of a flexible type of glass – the glass is thought to be able to withstand 2000,000 folds, opening the hinge at different angles.

The design of the phone menas Samsung have placed a smaller screen on the outer side of the handset. The screen displays vital information such as the time, date and battery life. However, the screen allows users to see notifications when they come through, which means users won’t need to keep opening and closing their handsets constantly.

Motorola Razr

Motorola has morphed its iconic, 15-year-old flip phone into a foldable phone. Long gone is their numerical buttoned keyboard which they have stylishly switched for a flexible OLED screen that folds down into almost a square-shaped device. 

The smartphone. Like the Samsung above also has a Quick Views function with a second screen display on the front. Helping users stay on top of their notifications and smartphone functions. The Razr 5G features a stainless steel and glass design combination making it look very modern and sleek.

When folded, the smartphone is about 16mm thick and has a fingerprint scanner on the rear. The main screen of the phone is 6.2-inches and is made from plastic OLED, making it bendable. The screen on the front is fixed, much like the Z Flip and is 2.7-inches.

The Razr also works on Qualcomm’s Sanpdragon but this 765 processor and offers 256GB of storage and 8GB RAM. The internal camera on the phone is 20-megapixels, and the front-facing camera that flips to the main and front-facing camera is 48-megapixels.  

Samsung Galaxy Z fold 

The Samsung Galaxy Z Fold is one of the first smartphones on the market that has helped shape the future of tomorrow. The innovative smartphone with powerful performance takes the foldable glass and strong battery power to new heights. 

The handset is available in two standard factory colors but comes with an array of different colored hinges, allowing users to personalize their phones. When shut, the smart device behaves like a smartphone with a 6.2-inch screen. When opened, it turns into a 7.6-inch main screen giving the user a tablet-sized viewing experience.

The state-of-the-art hinge is designed to deliver fluid folding of the device and is one of the most advanced mechanisms currently on the market for folding phones. The smartphone also comes with dual battery, giving the user incredible power in the palm of their hands. 

Folding phones of the future


HTC has recently patented a design idea for a foldable phone. Unlike most of the foldable phones on the market, the HTC folding phone i’ll be unique in the way it folds. Insult of folding inward like most, the phone will fold outwards with a middle hinge.

This means the main screen will be visible from both sides when folded as a smartphone handset. The phone is thought to fold horizontally like the Motorola Razr into two halves but in the opposite way.


Some movement from Apple in the way of studying Samsung foldable screen and a patent which suggests self-repairing screen suggests Apple are looking at making their iPhones in some way foldable.

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Hot And Cold Digital Wallets: What Are The Differences? Sat, 14 Nov 2020 15:50:53 +0000 Anybody that has shown even a passing interest in cryptocurrency is inundated with all kinds of confusing terminology. As with many things that are new and started with a small group of enthusiasts it almost has its own language. This ends up driving people away that ordinarily would want to get more involved but get […]

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Anybody that has shown even a passing interest in cryptocurrency is inundated with all kinds of confusing terminology. As with many things that are new and started with a small group of enthusiasts it almost has its own language.

This ends up driving people away that ordinarily would want to get more involved but get intimidated. Take the issue of digital wallets. There are a couple of different ones and you do need to understand something about them. After all, if you are going to buy any cryptocurrency you have to keep them somewhere. Which is what the wallet is.

In this article, I will go over what the difference is between a hot digital wallet and a cold one. That way you can understand which one is going to be best for you.

What is a digital wallet?

There are two fundamentals to buying and selling cryptocurrency. One is that you need a process to make the transaction so you can send and receive the currency. The other is you have to have an address on the blockchain where the coins actually reside.

Both of these things are handled by the digital wallet. The wallet is simply a place where the information about the cryptocurrency is stored. The currency itself is not in the wallet. What is there, is the public and private keys that are needed to be able to make transactions take place.

And those transactions happen on an exchange where you would be able to connect a bank account to buy the currency or to buy Bitcoins instantly with credit card and then transfer them to your wallet.

Hot wallet

When you first open up an account on one of the exchanges that you choose, you will be given the credentials for a hot wallet. This is essentially an online account that stores the information you need in the form of your public and private keys.

All the exchanges are going to have their own hot wallet as well as many other apps and third parties. You are free to choose whichever one that you want to use and as long as you have the keys then it can be used to make transactions in any way you want.

There are different features that each will have to differentiate themselves as well as different types of security. You have to make sure that you choose a wallet from a well known source like one of the big exchanges so you know there are safety measures taken to keep them from getting hacked. After all, the wallets are storing sensitive information online.

Cold wallet

A cold wallet has all of the information that you would have in a hot one, just not online. Think of it as a USB flash drive and you get the idea of what it is all about.

The upside of having one is that they are far more secure than a hot wallet because when it is unplugged from your computer it literally can’t be hacked into. In fact, many have such tight security that if you plugged it into a computer that had a virus or a keylogger or something it won’t work.

A disadvantage, however, is that they have limited coins they can hold. A hot wallet can work with any cryptocurrency available.

*This article has been contributed on behalf of Paxful. However, the information provided herein is not and is not intended to be, investment, financial, or other advice.

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How Masquerading Online With VPN Works? Sat, 24 Oct 2020 03:24:00 +0000 It is a well-known fact that VPNs are extremely useful to maintain anonymity on the internet and protect ourselves from cybercriminals. A VPN can be thought of as a tunnel that lets your data travel anonymously from one point to another. A VPN diverts the data traffic through a remotely located server, thereby letting you […]

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It is a well-known fact that VPNs are extremely useful to maintain anonymity on the internet and protect ourselves from cybercriminals. A VPN can be thought of as a tunnel that lets your data travel anonymously from one point to another. A VPN diverts the data traffic through a remotely located server, thereby letting you bypass local servers or open networks that may otherwise expose you to hackers or government surveillance. With the amount of information, we share online, using a VPN is a smart and obvious decision.

How does VPN work?

Usually when browsing online, data is transferred from your computer to the destination site. This process exposes a lot of personal information such as your IP address and from this, the network can quickly pinpoint your location and monitor your browsing activity. Advertising corporations buy this information and use it to customize online advertisements. Specific government organizations are also known to keep constant surveillance to monitor for suspicious activity. 

A Virtual Private Network (VPN) plays the role of an invisibility cloak on the internet; while it may not be 100% fool-proof, it does encrypt your personal data so that you can browse safely and anonymously. 

VPNs work by directing your network traffic through your chosen server, located anywhere in the world. The VPN acts as an intermediary of sorts, hiding details such as your location and IP address, thereby protecting your identity.

Another critical function of a VPN is to encrypt your data and render it unreadable if your network is intercepted. Encrypting is a method of encoding data that makes it difficult for hackers to intercept and interpret information.

At the destination location, this encrypted data is decrypted. Such a high level of security is necessary as local servers can be compromised and are a common playing ground for hackers and cybercriminals who indulge in unethical activities such as data theft, privacy infringements, and theft of essential credentials. 

The effectiveness of encryption depends highly on your VPNs protocols, which may differ from network to network.


Do I always need to be connected to a VPN?

The simple answer is: yes. A VPN is most effective if you remain connected to it whenever you are browsing online. There are several reasons for this: 

1. Rogue Connection Points / Trojan Networks

Public wireless networks, while being easy and free to access, are often home to hidden dangers in the form of rogue connection points. Once connected to rogue connections, hackers can invade your personal digital information and wreak havoc; stealing your digital identity or gaining access to your banking credentials 

2. Accessing sensitive data

Technology experts always advise to refrain from performing any transaction across a public network, as such data exchanges are elementary to detect and often aren’t protected through encryption. Using a VPN can mask your transactions and let data flow ambiguously across the network.

 3. To avoid malicious pop-ups

Apart from the fact that online advertisements can be annoying, they also gather a lot of information from our online history. Information such as our online purchases, search requests, sometimes even our everyday conversations can remain at risk of misuse.

These firms then use this data to post ads selectively. The fact that our internet service providers have access to such in-depth information is alarming however VPNs can break this chain by masking our internet activities.

4. To protect your network from targeted bandwidth throttling.

Internet service providers often selectively limit the network bandwidth of users based on the extent of their usage or the overall load that they are facing. As a result of this, consumers have to deal with reduced network speeds. 

VPNs prevent the service provider from accessing the information on your usage and therefore prevent selective bandwidth throttling.

5. To bypass restrictive Governmental Policies

VPN allows people from countries with strict IT policies to access information or use internet functionalities available across the globe.

Through a VPN, you can easily bypass governmental firewalls anonymously to enjoy the content available worldwide. 

Using a VPN has become a necessary decision, due to ever-increasing reports of cybercrime and online identity theft. While VPNs ensure the security of personal digital data and encryption, it is important to acknowledge that the most secure VPN servers will require you to pay to connect.


Free VPNs may therefore seem like an attractive option, however, they do not always provide a sufficient level of security and may slow your connection down. Make the decision to go with a reputable VPN provider and enjoy safe and secure browsing whenever you are online.

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